Unreleased game engine
Duration: May 2021- present

The what
One summer, I decided to start learning about computer graphics. I began looking up tutorials on making apps using the OpenGL API. Since then I have sat down and added bits and pieces to this whenever I had free time until it has got to the point seen in the video today.

The why
I started building this engine at first for many reasons. One of which was to get a better understanding of what engines like Unreal Engine and Unity were capable of, while others were more about building on my C++ experience. 
As my work on the engine progressed and the number of technical possibilities kept growing, I became more eager to use it for building my own games from scratch. At that point, the limitations of one of my game's engines could be what I'd define them to be.

The how and where
I've built this project in C++ using OpenGL as a basis. Currently the project is not open-source. I eventually want to start adding in physics and a sound engine, starting off very simply, and beyond that hopefully at least one decently well-made game with the engine.
This could take a very long time, but I'm okay with that. Just how much I learn every time I pick the project back up is more than fun enough for me, personally!
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